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New Report Details How Taxpayer Money Ends Up with Irresponsible Contractors 

Read the Full Report Here

Airports and airline travel help millions of California passengers accomplish their work and connect with their families, enabling our economy to function and helping to showcase our state to the world. US airlines in turn are making record profits- yet none of this success would be possible without the dedicated employees that work hard every day to make sure every facet of airport life-—handling luggage, pushing customers in wheelchairs, cleaning airplane cabins, ensuring customer safety—is running smoothly.

In addition, large amounts of California taxpayer money- $97 Million in 2017- is going to airlines through programs like the State Travel Program. With the importance to workers and travelers alike to maintain the highest possible standards at California airports, you would expect airlines to help airport employees who live and work in California also receive the benefits of that arrangement.

Instead, airlines like Southwest and American have recently been switching passenger service jobs that were previously union to irresponsible non-union contractors, all in the name of cutting corners and increasing profits.

Sign our petition to demand that Southwest CEO Gary C Kelly end the culture of greed and provide good jobs for all of his contracted employees.

The Report Unintended Consequences: How Airlines Use Taxpayer Money to Undermine Worker Standards in California details why it’s in the best interests of airport workers, travelers, and all Californians to ensure standards are increased and upheld for airport employees throughout our state. Airports, airlines and airline contractors who benefit directly from our tax dollars must do more to comply with our laws, support good union jobs, and ensure the health safety of all workers and passengers.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][mk_page_section][vc_column][mk_padding_divider][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1528409792964{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

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