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  • Online Action to Support Veterans in San Diego 

    November 13, 2018

    Tony Peterson is a retired Army Veteran who protects the people of San Diego as a full-time security officer. He isn’t alone–one out of every four security officers in San Diego is a veteran. Despite their skills, training and discipline, many Veterans who work as security officers are struggling to get by.

    Division: Security

  • Airports Global Day of Action at SFO, LAX 

    October 4, 2018

    SEIU-USWW airport members at LAX and SFO joined demonstrations at more than 40 airports in 13 countries on October 2. Airport workers demonstrated worldwide to put airlines like American, Southwest and United on notice and call for fair wages, union rights, and safe workplace conditions.

    Division: Airports, Political

  • Precinct Walk for Gil Cisneros 

    October 4, 2018

    If you want to make significant change in the direction our Country is going and want to be a part of the “Blue Wave” help elect Gil Cisneros to Congress. Saturday, October 13th, 9:30 am. Meet at the USWW Office, 828 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles

  • SEIU-USWW Disneyland Workers Win New Contract 

    September 30, 2018

    Ater months of hard work, SEIU-USWW members and all Disneyland workers who are part of the “Master Services Council” voted to approve a new three year deal on Thursday, July 26. Over half of our Disneyland members voted with a strong majority to ratify our new three-year contract with unprecedented increases for all cast members.

    Division: Allied/Entertainment

  • People Powered Politics for November 

    September 26, 2018

    SEIU-USWW Political Volunteer Schedule for November 2018

    Division: Political

  • 100 Women Walk 100 Miles to End Rape on the Night Shift 

    September 26, 2018

    When you take the incredibly low wages that many contract service workers receive in Silicon and compare it to the historic price of housing, what you end up with is “the working homeless.” We have reached a point in Silicon Valley, where many hard working people, many who are supporting families, are not able to afford to put a rood over their heads despite working more than 40 hours per week, in most cases many more. Unfortunately, two of our security officer leaders have found themselves in that situation.

    Division: Janitorial, Political

  • Rally for Silicon Valley Security Officers 

    July 4, 2018

    Stand With Silicon Valley Security Officers ~ End Poverty Pay in Silicon Valley~ Tech Can Do Better! Join us for a rally for silicon valley security officers on Thursday, May 17th 10am-11am at Charleston Park, 1500 Charleston Rd, Mountain View.

  • Tell Disney CEO: Pay your workers a living wage 

    June 26, 2018

    Every year, Walt Disney Co. profits tens of billions of dollars, including earnings directly from their Disney theme parks. The corporation even receives subsidies from the city of Anaheim at Disneyland in California. But their workers still aren’t being paid a living wage.

    Division: Allied/Entertainment

  • Working Without Fear of Deportation 

    June 8, 2018

    In addition to wage increases, our members at LAX also won the emergency response training they need to be part of a comprehensive, “whole community” approach to maintaining safety. LAX will now be the first airport in the country with a fully defined emergency response program that prepares the thousands of uniformed, contracted workers who serve the traveling public to also play an important role in protecting them in the event of an emergency. 

    Division: Political

  • AB 2079 Will Require Peer-to-Peer Training for all Janitors to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence on the Job 

    June 8, 2018

    In 2016, SEIU-USWW passed groundbreaking legislation that provides important new protections for janitors and new obligations for janitorial contractors. AB1978 requires that all janitorial workers receive training on their rights, including identifying sexual harassment and assault, and the resources available to address sexual violence and harassment at work.

    Division: Political