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Interview With Sacramento Bargaining Committee Member Joy Hunt:

Q: How long have you been in the security industry?

Joy: I started back in 2018 but had previous experience in the 1990s.

Q: What motivated you to join the bargaining committee?

Joy: At the time I joined the committee I felt female representation as well as age and wisdom was needed and I had children that worked in the field that I wanted to ensure they got what they deserved.

Q: What is the Sacramento bargaining team asking for?

Joy: We’re fighting for our worth which includes fair pay, improved safety measures and dignity.

Q: What did you do before joining the bargaining committee?

Joy: I ended up on the bargaining committee by being active by canvassing to see what members needed and I decided I wanted to be part of it (the committee).

Q: When the bargaining committee proposals got turned down what kept you going?

Joy: Knowing that if I kept going we would get something out of the bargaining as well as we could compromise during bargaining to meet a goal.

Q: What message would you like to send to the membership?

Joy: I would like for them to know fighting for what they want is the only way they can get it. Express their needs and they have to unify with one another because one drop of water won’t do much, but a million droplets will make a bucketful.