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This update is in regards to the upcoming December 3rd revote for Disneyland Park.

What does a “no vote” mean?

Based on the Disneyland Park no-vote on November 17th, the Bargaining Committee, has called for a second ratification vote. The SEIU USWW constitution and bylaws requires a 75% no-vote to authorize a strike. The vote tally on November 17th did not meet that threshold. Therefore, we are holding a second vote where members can either ratify the existing Disney offer as the bargaining committee recommends or vote to authorize a strike.

You will have the opportunity to ratify this current contract offer which includes $3 wage increases over three years and up to $2,000 in bonuses for long-term cast members.

A “no vote” will mean you are voting to reject the tentative agreement and authorizing a strike. A strike means rejecting Disney’s last, best and final contract offer. Disney has the right to withdraw the TA and has informed the union that the 2022 increase/bonuses, which have now been moved up to November 17th, will be withdrawn from the table.

If 75% of those in attendance vote to strike, the Executive Board will sanction the strike, which will also open up the strike fund for the purposes of supporting the workers. The Executive Board may approve a strike authorization by a vote of at least 65%, but may withhold strike sanction if they believe an insufficient number of members will support the strike. 

The strike fund would be available for those participating on the picket line after 10 days. Picketing workers are eligible for a $150 stipend. Striking workers are not eligible for Employment Development Department (EDD) benefits in the state of California. In addition to that, because, as of now, Disney has not committed any Unfair Labor Practices (ULP) during the duration of this campaign, this would be considered an economic strike. Due to the economic nature of the strike, Disney has the right to permanently replace workers that participate in the strike if it chooses to do so.

Furthermore, the union cannot obligate any workers to honor the picket line. If a 75% threshold vote is reached to go on strike, the union will strongly encourage all workers to stand in solidarity and not cross the picket line. It is our sincere hope that all workers honor the picket line. 

As a means to continue to inform members of the importance of this vote and to engage our workers and members, we will be meeting at the Teamsters Local 952 on Wednesday, December 1st at 9am, 3p and 7pm:

Large Hall

140 S Marks Way

Orange, CA 92868

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the strike authorization vote threshold 75%?

It is high because in order to successfully strike, workers have to be united and committed to striking their employer. 

Am I eligible for EDD benefits and will the union cover the cost of lost income?

No, EDD does not cover strikes and you will not be eligible for EDD benefits. The union can only issue a $150-weekly stipend after the 10th day of striking to picketing workers. Furthermore, you are at risk of losing access to your healthcare and other employer-provided benefits during this period. 

If we vote to go on strike, does the employer continue bargaining for new terms?

The employer is not obligated and Disney has told us that conditions will be withdrawn if the TA is not ratified by December 3rd. If bargaining continues, we will have to recover what we have lost and try to fight for more if we vote to decide to go on strike. 

What happens if we don’t meet the threshold of 75% on December 3rd?

The union’s Executive Board is not obligated to sanction a strike authorization if at least  75% of those voting don’t vote to strike. A sanction that is not backed by a strong majority of workers would likely not be successful and we would have to consider next steps if we do not meet that 75% mark.