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Bargaining Update and Escalation Plan

The fact that Disney is not offering pay increases that reflect your hard work is deeply offensive for a company worth $122 billion dollars that prides itself as the “Happiest Place on Earth.” While Disney profits soar and their executives make millions upon millions of dollars during a pandemic, workers like you are left with this insulting offer.

Disney’s inadequate economic proposal offers increases of only 3% during a time of skyrocketing gas prices and inflation that is soaring, which has been making life harder for working-class people. See Disney’s current proposal by clicking here. The wages proposed do not come close to a living wage nor does it recognize long-term workers. Due to Disney’s stubborn negotiation tactics, it has become apparent that further discussions will not be productive, and the mediator has canceled today’s negotiation session. 

We find ourselves at a pivotal moment to keep pandemic profiteers like Disney accountable. It is time that we come together and stand shoulder to shoulder at the Town Hall on November 17th. Union workers from upstate New York to Nebraska to California are bravely taking a stand these past few weeks to say enough is enough. We must do the same!


Join us for the Disney Townhall on November 17, 2021

Time: Doors open at 10 AM/ Program 11 AM- 1 PM

Location: Sheraton Park Hotel, 1855 South Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92802


Check out These Examples of Workers Taking on Pandemic Profiteers:

We’re stronger together.