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Our next scheduled bargaining date with Disney is on October 5th. Please contact your Organizer or Shop Steward to find out how you can get involved in the fight to win a better contract. Below are some updates on where we are currently.

Vaccinations: after meeting several times with Disney, they have not offered any acceptable compromises so we have not yet reached any agreement nor signed any MOU about vaccinations. Their most recent offer was to begin this requirement on November 2, 2021, so if we do not reach any agreement that will most likely be their position. Any member who needs accommodation for medical or other reasons should use the accommodation process that Disney has set up.

Negotiations: after a delay, the next scheduled negotiation date is October 5, with the presence of the federal mediator. However, the Unions and Disney remain far apart on the core economic issues of wages, paid time off for CRs, and some others.

DCA contract: the Master Services union will agree to extend the DCA contract since it expires on September 30 and we have not yet agreed on a new contract. As with the Disneyland extension, it can be canceled if necessary.

Public actions: the Master Services unions are currently planning further actions to bring our fight for a fair contract to the public, and we will be announcing those actions when details are determined.