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Our Vision

We envision a society…Where all workers and their families live and work in dignity and equality.
Where all workers have living wages, quality healthcare, paid leave, and a safe and respectful work environment.
Where workers have a meaningful voice in decisions that affect them.
Where families live in stable and safe communities with quality, affordable housing and education for their children, and a clean, sustainable and healthy environment.
Where the collective power of workers is realized in democratic and progressive unions.
Where union solidarity stands firm against discrimination and hatred in all forms, including those based on race, gender, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression, marital status, ancestry, age, disability and immigration status.
Where politicians are held accountable to the needs of workers and our communities, rather than to corporations and the rich.

Our Mission

SEIU USWW will lead the way to a more just and humane society; building power for all service workers by developing members leadership and activism, winning strong contracts, organizing unorganized service workers, buildings political and community power and engaging in direct action that demonstrates our strength and determination to win. 

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